Wednesday, July 24, 2013


The innocence of the life of a bird. If the statue were to come to life he would sustain the biggest klap of his life!

Life is a bit like that sometimes, though, isn't it?  Everything is going along just fine, then out of the blue, it all goes pear shaped quite unexpectedly!  I could give you a few examples, but I'm sure you have enough of your own to be going on it with right now.

However, it's not really about what happens to us, but how we handle it that counts.  When we read in the bible 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me' we need to take on board that it is referring to 'enduring all things' because of the indwelling power of God.  

So the next time you get klapped (very descriptive word, don't you think?) - get up, dust yourself off, and keep your eyes on the strong Saviour. 

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