Thursday, July 11, 2013


I am very envious of flight - not of squeezing myself into in a plane seat,which is a necessary discomfort if you want to go anywhere; no, I am envious when I see birds simply lift off the ground into the air, and off they go - how marvelous!

I witnessed another marvelous freedom flight yesterday while we were having lunch on a beautiful sunny winter day.  We were sitting at a table in Big Bay facing Table Mountain across the sea (get the picture?) when a family arrived with two dogs on leashes.  They walked sedately along the pathway, enjoying the great outdoors, when the youngest child, who was holding a daschund (sausage dog) on leash, lost control and the daschund made a break.  

He ran his little legs off with such a look of hilarious delight at getting free. He dipped and weaved, he swerved and almost did cartwheels with happiness.  What a picture of fun and naughtiness!  He was actually a very good dog, because after the wild show he put on, he returned to his family and submitted to discipline once more. I had to restrain myself from applauding.......

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