Thursday, July 18, 2013


This photo was taken a few years ago during a week's timeshare break we spent in Plettenburg Bay.  We decided to visit all the interesting places along the Garden Route like the Elephant Park, and the Bird Park etc.

We had just paid our entrance fee and gone through the turnstile when this little green lovebird attached itself to me. Determinedly. With great stickability. It ran up and down my arm, round my neck, and down the other arm, all the while chattering and squawking away - I presume it could have been a female as it had a lot to say.  Totally captivating!   It stuck with me about three quarters of the way through the park experience, and then suddenly took off,  not to be seen again.  

I got to thinking.....maybe they had trained a whole team of lovebirds as guides through the bird park?  My little guide certainly stole my heart, and made my visit very memorable.

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