Saturday, July 20, 2013


Today's picture and story, like several I've told, go back to my growing up years
in Johannesburg.

I have always been a cat lover, and as a kid at home, I had a cat and my brother acquired a blue budgie.  He named the budgie Tom, and kept him in his bedroom, in a cage, of course.  He was very keen for Tom to learn a few words, and was advised by the petshop man to teach him one word at a time. So, at every possible opportunity, he would drill the words 'hullo Tom' into the poor
budgie.  To add to the interest, my brother's voice was breaking, so there were a few 'hullo Toms' in a high voice, and then a few in his new low voice!

After some time, Tom actually uttered the magic words.....but alas, he managed to escape from his cage right into the waiting claws of his arch cat!

I don't remember whether my brother really ever forgave me for this act of murder.........

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