Sunday, July 21, 2013


Some people have naturally happy or peaceful looking faces, with kindly or sweet expressions.  But not everyone is that fortunate. Like this little yellow fellow.

How does one tell when someone is really happy - well there needs to be some movement around the eyes, the smile must reach the eyes.

Surprise is registered with an open mouth and raised eyebrows....but if this expression is held for more than a few seconds, the surprise is fake!

The eyes are probably the greatest giveaway with facial expressions: try these
- the sly wink of just one eye: just joking
- both eyes lifted up: you're a pain 
- sly look to the side: sneaking a look at what you're doing
- both eyes closed: exasperation (or asleep!)
- both eyes wide open, staring: mad at you
- eyelids blinking really fast: trying hard to understand

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