Continuing from yesterday's post.....
Do you like to clean? Birds of all kinds are messy. They eat by shelling their seeds and, generally, tossing the shell out on your floor while eating the "meat." If you think that's messy, you should see them do the same to a piece or fruit or pelleted food! Some are notorious for dunking their food in water and then tossing it. Some have a penchant for playing food war. That is not to mention the spilled water, feathers and everything else. If you can't stand a messy house, stick with another type of pet.
Are you afraid to be "outsmarted" by a bird? Most parrots have the intelligence level of a 2-3 year old child but they act like a spoiled child. Every parrot I've known delighted in finding ways to make it's owner or whoever was around pay attention to them. "Moms not around, maybe if I tump my water dish, she'll come over." They know exactly what they're doing and they demand to be in the centre of attention. Most bird people I know are often tricked by their birds to give them exactly what they want.
Are you ready for a lifetime commitment? A Macaw can live for up to 75 years? He's liable to outlive you!
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