Sunday, March 9, 2014


In the weekend newspaper there was an article concerning the escape of an endangered Southern Ground Hornbill.  They made it sound like the escape of a dangerous criminal, know what the media is like!  Sensationalism all the way.

Four years old.
High flyer.
Long eyelashes.
Wearing a long black coat.
Responds to the name TSHUKUDU.
Known for its independent streak.

After a night out on the town, TSHUKUDU  was reunited with his family at the Johburg Zoo on Thursday morning........

Heavy rain had uprooted a tree that had collapsed on a section of the Hornbill enclosure at the Zoo.  TSHUKUDU  saw his chance and escaped through a hole, then decided to go on an adventure..........

He spent the night out, but fortunately his ingrained GPS was switched on, and helped him to return home safely the next morning.

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