Monday, March 24, 2014


Did you know that the Hoopoe is Israel’s national bird? 

This peculiar-looking bird encapsulates a typical Israeli: although it has a crown, it doesn’t act like a snob, you can find it everywhere and people refer to it as a symbol of wisdom. The hoopoe is a beautiful bird with a crown or crest on top of its head. It has a peculiar call of “hood hood hood” which is why it is named “Hood” in Arabic and “Upupa Epops” in Latin. 

It has no housing problems -  it nests on walls and cracks and gender equality is on its agenda; male and female are equally pretty and take similar responsibilities over their offspring.

Next time you visit Israel, look for the hoopoe – you will find it walking or flying in couples almost everywhere, decorating nature with its beautiful colors, shapes and unique crown.

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