Wednesday, March 5, 2014


While reading about Jackdaws on the Internet, I came across this observation by a Mr. John Blatchford:
"This year I put out a new 'fat ball' on a tree near my kitchen window. It was hanging several inches below a branch in a plastic mesh bag.
Several small birds were clinging to the ball and feeding when along came a Jackdaw. He (it was a young male) perched on the branch and cast his beady eye over the problem - he could not reach down to the fat with his beak. Almost immediately he reached down and grabbed the plastic mesh in his beak, pulled it up a bit, then secured it with one foot (holding it against the branch). He repeated this action several times, drawing the fat ball nearer and nearer. Not content with this he then savagely attacked the plastic and tore a hole in the mesh - only then did he begin to eat the fat.
I knew Jackdaws were intelligent :-)"

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