Thursday, March 27, 2014


In addition to its beautiful plumage, the hoopoe is unfortunately also noted for its filthy, malodorous (stinky) nest. The bad odour comes from a combination of putrefying excrement (poo), which the bird does not trouble to remove, and from defensive musty-smelling secretions released from the preen gland of the female when she is disturbed. 
This reminds me of a story told when we were visiting Hout Bay - we took a trip on the boat that goes around Seal Island. All was going well and there was a lovely fresh breeze blowing. Then the captain issued a warning:  when the boat turned direction to head back to harbour, there would be a very strong smell - and he put it down to:  the more slippery the animal (the seal), the stronger the smell.  He was right - it was HORRENDOUS! 

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