Wednesday, January 15, 2014






Unsurprisingly, the most common bird on earth is said to be the chicken.

This is probably due to the practice of farming them for their meat and eggs. 

Originating from a species of jungle bird found in Asia, the chicken has been cultivated into an array of breeds with strikingly unique characteristics. 

Although many people don't realize it, these birds can make excellent pets when properly housed and socialized, so if you are looking into future bird ownership, don't overlook these interesting birds when you are researching potential pets.

We recently visited McPhersons for morning tea, and there were a few of these characters wandering around the outside tea facility.  So lovely to see them going about their mindless existence!!   Not so nice would be the raucous crowing of the rooster - imagine that at 5am or 6am, waking you up in that rude fashion they have............

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