Tuesday, January 7, 2014


There you are on your way out on a visit, or to a restaurant, or whatever, thinking you look like the bees knees, but meanwhile something's not quite right.  For example, a zip or button is undone, or .............(you fill in there!)

Now a real friend takes you aside and gives you the info in the most tactful way possible.  A frenemy has a good laugh and lets you carry on in your ignorance.

We were at a live show recently, and one of the gorgeous dancers had an appendage - something had come loose from her frilly skirt, and there she was giving it all she had, not knowing about the piece of skirt that had come loose.   But, of course, the show must go on and I'm sure most of the audience thought it was part of her outfit!  (Maybe it was, after all!)



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