Saturday, January 4, 2014


Superb Fairy Wrens teach their embryonic chicks a secret code. 
This "incubation call" contains a special note that will later serve 
as a password. When the chicks have hatched, this password 
enables the adult birds to identify their babies in the darkness 
of their domed nest. A species of Australian cuckoo lays its 
eggs in the wren’s nest, hoping to pawn off the task of parenting
But wren chicks learn their mother’s song and incorporate the 
password note into their begging calls.

Who knew all that!!!

The thing that got me interested in these birds (the male is the 
beautiful blue-coloured one, and the dowdy brown job is the 
female....that's NOT right!) - is that my sister Pat gave me a 
beautiful Maxwell Williams mug for my birthday recently - 
and it's a designer homeware mug.  Not just any old tea mug!  
The little blurb card inside says:
'The Superb Fairy-wren is a favourite Australian bird.  
They live in low bush vegetation & are frequently seen 
in family grfoups in parks & gardens in south eastern 
Australia, feeding on insects and seeds.

So now we all know about the Superb Fairy Wrens - isn't that superb!

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