Two thousand squawks, I mean words, per day, or five thousand?
That depends on whether you are male or female.
The bird on the right is male, I think, and his lady is telling him
EVERYTHING he needs to know.
I'm grateful for a husband who understands me and let's me ramble on
until my five thousand run out! I'm not so happy though when
I want to hear stuff from him and he drips out about fifty words only.
But it can get a bit much when one is a captive audience to a whole
barrage of stuff in which you have no interest whatsoever ..... Like,
recently we were at a restaurant for dinner and seated unfortunately
close to a couple - she had a very piercing voice which blasted out, non-stop,
at least ten thousand words in the space of an hour! Her partner spent
the time eating and looking bored, and so did we......
Do you realise you have just read my 156 words?
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