Friday, November 1, 2013


Birds inter-acting with exactly their own kind.....
Birds inter-acting with other kinds of birds.........
Birds inter-acting with other creatures...............
Like a Praying Mantis.......

But in this picture, I don't think the Praying Mantis is doing much praying - he looks like he's ready for a fight....
like: 'put 'em up, pal!'
And well he may put up a fight, but you and I know who will win this one.......shame!

We too, are in a battle, but a spiritual one.  Fight the good fight stuff.  However, the battle has actually been won and all we have to do is enforce the victory and possess the land. 
Think of the golden crowns, and the Rider on the white horse referred to in the Book of Revelations.....Jesus has won the victor's crown.  Glory!

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