Friday, November 22, 2013


Life as it is lived today, is hectic, stressful, busy, and generally speaking, there is much to be very serious about.  There are a few naturally jolly souls around, I'm sure, but most people have their serious noses fixed firmly to the grindstone. 

Other matters that make for serious hearts and faces are health problems, lack of finances, relationships, the general state of the world today as explicitly revealed to us in the media, and so on.   So, the question, 'why so serious?' could elicit many easy answers.

I haven't found a picture saying 'why so happy!' - but one of the recipes for a happy life must surely be a sense of humour.  The more important formula for happiness is found in the words of Jesus:

'Come unto Me, all who labour and are 
heavy laden, and I will give you rest.'

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