Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Our little friend here appears to be a bit overtaken by the obstacle in front of him.  It reaches up to his little chest, and looks rather forbidding with jagged edges.

Its the same with some of the obstacles we face in life, from time to time - they seem to reach up so high and make us feel as if we are trapped. They also have ugly jagged edges sometimes.

The good news in the case of our birdie is that all he has to do is spread his wings and fly, and he will be on his way, free as a bird (lol). Maybe he forgot he has wings! 

Our good news is that no matter what obstacles face us, we are overcomers through the One who loved us and gave His life for us.  Victory in Jesus!  All we have to do is spread our wings and fly, free as the bird!   Let's never forget that we were born to fly........

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