Saturday, September 7, 2013



I don't have a picture of an Egyptian goose, but as we were walking on the footpath along the shore of the Knysna lagoon (where we are spending a week's break in our hectic retired lifestyle, LOL) - we came across a little family of them
and had some of nature's finest entertainment.

Papa goose was perched on the roof of a little building, overseeing the activities of Mama goose and their 6 goslings, who were foraging down below.  He was honking instructions to his family, and honking to warn us not to get too close.

On our return, we found the action had moved out onto the waters, but Papa goose was still loftily shouting his orders from the edge of the jetty, while the family had paddling lessons below with Mama Goose.  

Nature is endlessly fascinating to my heart......

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