Saturday, April 26, 2014


Meet TWEETS - The Green Mouth!

The other day, a woman came home from work and her son told her he had bid successfully on eBay for something. He said he had gone ahead and logged onto Paypal and made payment. She asked how he had gained access to the password protected area and he replied "Oh, Tweets told me." 

He said he had been trying to get onto the site and using all the phrases he thought she would use. No luck. Then the bird climbed up on his shoulder and started chattering a phrase. Realizing what the bird was saying, he entered that phrase and bingo, he was in. 

Mom realized that the bird is usually on her shoulder when she is on the computer and that she probably says the phrase when logging onto Paypal. He made the connection between the screen image and what she said, and then ratted on her!  Little stinker!  

She has since changed the password and will be more careful in future not to use it around 'The Green Mouth!'

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