Saturday, April 12, 2014


The Tawny Frogmouth is a bizarre Australian bird that inhabits Eucalyptus woodlands, where prey is abundant.

Frogmouths resemble owls, but are in fact giant, awesome & rather creepy relatives of the Swift family.  They don't actively hunt, but rather stand upright on a tree, perfectly resembling an old branch - then when a small bird, frog, lizard or dragonfly approaches, the enormous gaping mouth expands open, quickly drawing in the hapless animal. Within a fraction of a second, the massive bill snaps shut with a loud CLICK that can be heard 100 meters away!  The prey is then forced back & swallowed whole.

The Tawny Frogmouths don't actually do anything except remain invisible & snap shut like a Venus Flytrap - making them among the creepiest birds on earth!

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