Tuesday, June 4, 2013


A few years ago, we visited Lambert's Bay, about a 2hour drive from Cape Town, up the West Coast.  There we found a colony of Gannets, and we took some photos, from which I produced the above watercolour painting.  You'd think my husband would appreciate my efforts, but he has hung the painting in the garage!  Who hangs paintings in their garage? Frank Scott does!!  Don't ask, oi vei!

But the point of this is that whilst a Gannet is a bird, as you can see, and a very busy hectic type of bird - a colony of them are almost too much for the senses to take in as they fight like crazy and live in a very clumped together colony - the word is also used for certain people!  Read on if you dare!

Here's a definition I found: 
Their supposed capacity for eating large quantities of fish has led to the word 'gannet' becoming a disapproving description of somebody who eats excessively, similar to 'glutton.'   It refers to those who steadily eat vast quantities of food, especially at public functions!

Now the question is: 
Do YOU know anyone like that!  
More importantly, are YOU one?
Don't you just love the public functions part!  
Just think about it!
What a picture THAT paints!  
Apologies, people!
Peace, people!
Love, people! 

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