Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 21: PROMISE ME.....

The simplicity of childlike thinking, incorporating a very good promise to make.
But the attributes referred to by Christopher Robin are only realized when we are tested.

Have you ever been tested for bravery?  Not the 'cowboys don't cry' type, but
the dying to self type.  That takes bravery and a stiff upper lip!

How about the 'stronger than you seem' one?  Here again it's in the testing that we find out what we are made of.  I'm so grateful for my strong and mighty Saviour.  

Lastly, 'smarter than you think' - don't you just love smarty pants types?  
But we are called upon in life to use our brains - well, apparently most of us use less than 10% so there is lots of room for improvement.  

Promise yourself all three and you'll pass the tests....

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