Tuesday, February 4, 2014


The Emperor Penguin is the largest of all the penguins - it grows to over 1m tall and can weigh up to 40kgs.

Male Emperor Penguins huddle in groups of up to 5000 to survive the harsh Antarctic winter.  This is interesting because it brings to mind some of the Old Testament bible stories, where the number of men are recorded - and then one thinks: um.....what about the women and children?  So what about the 5000 Empresses and all the Emprinces and Emprincesses in these statistics?

All I could find is that the male Emperors do have a very passionate interest in their offspring because apparently for about 9 weeks through each Antarctic winter they incubate a single egg laid by their mate.  Ok, their shares have risen!

Also of interest is the fact that this species of penguin is the first to have its population estimated by studying images taken from space.  

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