Sunday, October 6, 2013


Seagulls are of the Laridae bird family. This word comes from the Greek word Larus, meaning 'ravenous seabird.' This is very fitting as the seagull is best known as being a scavenger. It is most often seen in large, noisy flocks, congregating wherever food is available. They can almost always be found around fishing boats, picnic grounds, parking lots and garbage dumps. 

Many people consider the gull to be a nuisance, but they actually perform a very valuable service. They are garbage men (sanitation engineers, for the politically correct) with wings. They scavenge up great numbers of dead animals and organic litter which could pose a health threat to humans.

So in this picture we see our garbage collectors having some time out, chilling on a boat for a few hours.  Everyone needs a break!  

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