So, my blog hit the dust for a few weeks while I concentrated on 'other things...'
But I'm back, and although I may miss a few days here and there, I really want to complete 365 posts.......
Today's newspaper featured a shot of an Egyptian Goose strolling up Government Avenue in the Cape Town Gardens, looking very aggrieved and peeved at being photographed, as only a goose can.
The accompanying article stated that these birds are protected in South Africa. I wasn't aware of that, especially since there are so many of them.
Apparently they were considered sacred by the ancient Egyptians - (whoopdeedooo!)
More info is that they are extremely territorial to their own species and will fight other pairs who try to move in on their turf. Go, geese, go.
They like to live near water but are happy to nest in holes in big trees. They have been seen nesting in niches in the steeple of the Methodist Church in Greenmarket Square. (Either the Deacons aren't doing their jobs, or the geese have religious leanings, LOL.)
To end on a negative note, and why not?.... They are considered pests on many local golf courses!
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